Lavesh Kirpalani co-authored an article with Frank…
The Hong Kong Maritime Law Association will hold i…
Edward Alder has been appointed to the ARIAS panel…
Jeremy Bartlett SC took part in a lively panel ses…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted to announce the rec…
Jeremy Bartlett SC was honoured to be appointed to…
On 27 May it was Jeremy Bartlett SC‘s honour…
The Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing Interna…
Jeremy Bartlett SC leading Fergus Chan was success…
Prince’s Chambers is pleased to announce that Jere…
Damien McDonald, Barrister and Arbitrator at Princ…
Prince’s Chambers is hosting a cocktail party for …
Jeremy Bartlett SC, Edward Alder and Sebastian Hug…
Jeremy Bartlett SC was honoured to be invited to b…
The Hong Kong Court of Appeal has issued twin deci…
Court of Appeal rejects unequal distribution claim…
Sebastian Hughes was delighted to be a guest lectu…
Edward Alder had the great privilege of participat…
Extra-territoriality for securities, corporate and…
We are pleased to see that Kluwer Arbitration Blog…
Prince’s Chambers is proud to be a sponsor for the…
The IBA has released its latest Guidelines on Conf…
Prince’s Chambers is pleased to announce that Eric…
Prince’s Chambers congratulates Damien McDonald on…
Sebastian Hughes has been co-opted as a Council Me…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted that Edward Alder i…
Edward Alder had the honour of giving a short welc…
Prince’s Chambers completed its Hong Kong Legal Wa…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted to have received ve…
Mr Jeremy Bartlett SC is looking forward to speaki…
Prince’s Chambers are happy to be participating in…
Sebastian Hughes was a speaker at the WIPO Mediati…
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has held that th…
Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group will hold its…
Lavesh Kirpalani discusses how the Hong Kong court…
The Hong Kong Maritime Week Mock Arbitration takes…
Congratulations to our three Prince’s Chambers con…
Congratulations to Phillip Rompotis for recognitio…
The Hong Kong Maritime Law Association’s popular A…
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has determined t…
Edward Alder of Prince’s Chambers reviews Navin A…
Edward Alder has been appointed to the Distinguish…
Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group will hold a s…
Eugene Kwok of Prince’s Chambers looks at substitu…
On 31 May 2023, Deputy High Court Judge Herbert Au…
Jeremy Bartlett SC, Edward Alder and Lavesh Kirpal…
Prince’s Chambers are delighted that Paul Carolan …
The English Court of Appeal has affirmed Blair J’s…
Princes Chambers on Both Sides: The employer’s app…
Judgment dated 16 February 2023 was reported in an…
Chambers congratulates Kevin Lee and Josh Baker fo…
Jeremy Bartlett SC, Edward Alder, and Lavesh Kirpa…
The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal will hear an a…
Further developments on Quincecare duty. In PT v C…
Prince’s Chambers hosted its first drinks event in…
The CFI’s decision in Mark Sutherland v CRB (a fir…
The CFI has granted a non-party costs order agains…
Josh Baker was delighted to work pro bono with Equ…
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has granted leav…
Sportsperson fails to establish any grounds to com…
The Court of First Instance gave judgment after tr…
Prince’s Chambers is sponsoring the CIArb (EAB) YM…
Lavesh Kirpalani has been made a HK45 Committee Me…
Philipp v Barclays Bank was argued in the UK Supre…
Prince’s Chambers continues its contribution to Ch…
Commercial disputes…
Commercial dispute resolution EDWARD ALDER chamber…
The Court of Appeal has confirmed that the High Co…
The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (HCAA)…
Hong Kong’s High Court grants specific performance…
Edward Alder, instructed by Tanner De Witt, has wo…
HKIAC is promoting this survey on arbitrator selec…
Sebastian Hughes represented the successful defend…
Prince’s Chambers are pleased to have continued th…
Edward Alder will take part once again in the ever…
Sebastian Hughes comments on the Court of Appeal d…
Edward Alder considers the Hong Kong implications …
Edward Alder reports on the recent decision of the…
In Lam v Tor Asia Credit Master Fund LP [2022] HKC…
Harjang Singh v Secretary for Security & Anor …
Eugene Kwok of Prince’s Chambers was trial counsel…
Sebastian Hughes will be speaking on “Technology i…
Many companies in Hong Kong are not incorporated t…
It is not unusual for arbitration agreements to co…
Common law courts, like those in Hong Kong and Sin…
Eugene Kwok recently represented the 8th Defendant…
Edward Alder, instructed by Lau, Horton & Wise…
Congratulations to Sebastian Hughes on his appoint…
Damien McDonald will be speaking on “Managin…
Edward Alder, together with Clifford Smith SC, ins…
The Court of First Instance has held that there wa…
We are delighted that Jeremy Bartlett SC, Paul J…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted to announce that Se…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted that Edward A…
Is international arbitration tilted towards the co…
Prince’s Chambers is delighted to announce that Eu…
Edward Alder considers recent judgments on conflic…