A Leading Commercial Set of
Barristers in Hong Kong

The set was founded by four leading lawyers in the year 2000 in Prince’s Building. Several members were successful partners in international law firms before moving to the Bar to pursue their career in specialist advocacy.

We focus on commercial, company, technology & intellectual property and public law work. We appear before all Hong Kong civil courts and specialist forums and international and domestic arbitral tribunals. Much of our work is cross border, involving clients throughout Asia Pacific and beyond.

We work with Hong Kong law firms on Hong Kong advocacy and advice. Foreign and Greater China lawyers and clients may instruct us directly on international arbitrations within or outside Hong Kong and for Hong Kong law advice. Members are regularly appointed as commercial arbitrators and mediators by parties throughout the world.


Chan Kwok Yuen v Lai Yat Ho & Ors [2025] HKCFI 1011

In Chan Kwok Yuen v Lai Yat Ho & Ors [2025] HKCFI 1011, the Court highlighted the importance of filing skeleton submissions (on time) when seeking an order to continue ex parte injunctive relief on summons day.  Despite allowing the applicant to have the matter adjourned to the next summons day, the Court gave a […]

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong (4th edition) (2025)

Prince’s Chambers is pleased to contribute to the 4th edition of Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, edited by Kemal Bokhary NPJ and Professor Normann Witzleb and Dr Neerav Srivastava. Members of Chambers author the following commentaries: Fergus Chan — Defences (Chapter 7) Thomas Yeon — Vicarious Liability (Chapter 8); Conflict of Laws (Chapter […]

Members appointed to HKIAC Panel of Arbitrators

Prince’s Chambers is delighted to announce that the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) has appointed and renewed appointments on its Panel and List of Arbitrators for Jeremy Bartlett SC (List), Edward Alder (Panel), Sebastian Hughes (Panel of Emergency Arbitrators; Panel of Arbitrators for Intellectual Property Disputes; List), Phillip Rompotis (Panel of Emergency Arbitrators; List), […]


We can be reached at the contact details below or at the email addresses and phone numbers on members’ individual CVs