Prince’s Chambers welcomes the announcement that members and arbitration practitioners Jeremy Bartlett SC, Edward Alder and Olga Boltenko have been appointed, and Sebastian Hughes has been re-appointed, to the Panel of Arbitrators of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA).
In addition, the arbitrators will also be included in the list of recommended arbitrators of the South China (Hong Kong) International Arbitration Court (SCIAHK) established in the Hong Kong SAR of China which will enable them to be appointed to cases administered by the SCIAHK.
This is a welcome boost to Prince’s Chambers’ arbitration practice. Jeremy Bartlett SC, Edward Alder, Sebastian Hughes and Olga Boltenko are regularly appointed as counsel and arbitrators, often in Mainland related disputes.
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The SCIA Panel List of arbitrators can be found at .