Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group will hold a seminar in Xiamen, PRC on 28 July 2023, supported by the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone (MSRCLD), Xiamen and Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong Fujian Liaison Unit.
Danny Mok, Li Lianjun, Philip Yang and Shirley Si will speak. Danny and Lianjun will discuss the HKMAG arbitration. Philip and Shirley will give their insights on the proposed amendments to the Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China and the problems faced by the Mainland in the development of maritime arbitration. Captain Li Fook Choon and Dr An Shouzhi will be involved in a panel discussion with guest speakers concerning Belt and Road Initiative and international arbitration.
Venue: 22/F, No. 2 Sea World, Xiamen
Date and time: 28 July 2023 (Friday) 14:30 – 18:30