Jeremy Bartlett SC moderated the Regional Panel session at the well-attended and lively Legal Plus event, Indonesia & South East Asia :10th International Arbitration and Corporate Crime Summit on 12 December 2024, on the topic of “Enforcement & Invalidity of Awards”
Many thanks to Leonora Riesenburg, Shai Wade and Arif Edison for their very informative exchanges on the panel and also to Scott A. Warren for chairing the morning sessions.
Special thanks to Jason N Sinclair and Bettina Yan for their invitation to participate and their organisation skills.
Other speakers attending the full day event included Dr Anangga W. Roosdiono, Chairman of BANI Arbitration Center, Adrian Cole, Andrew Pullen, Ramdolph Khoo,Eiyii Tan, Simon Barrie Sasmoyo, Alvin Ambardy, Erie Tobing, Jeremiah Purba, Sumarsono Darsono, John Zadkovich, Jonathan Cary, Hafid Triadmaja Syahputra , Elijah Putilin FCIArb , Jun Hong Tan, Arran Dowling-Hussey, Owen Hawkes and Weiyi Tan.