Betamax Ltd v State Trading Corporation [2021] UKPC 14

Phillip Rompotis reviews  Betamax Ltd v State Trading Corporation [2021] UKPC 14, where the Privy Council of England, in an appeal from the Mauritius Supreme Court, considered the extent of permissible intervention by a court in an international arbitration where public policy was raised as a ground for setting aside an award, holding that where a tribunal had […]

Arbitration on Intellectual Property disputes Seminar- 24 June 2021

Sebastian Hughes will be the Moderator at the seminar/webinar jointly hosted by the YMG of CIArb and HKIAC.  On 1 January 2018, amendments to the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance came into effect to clarify that all disputes over intellectual property rights may be resolved by arbitration, and that it is not contrary to the public policy of […]